Last Updated: Oct. 29, 2023 

Star Theater RDO (STRP) is a game to be played with Red Dead Online (RDO). No other apps are needed (other than our companion site, which will eventially be available as a mobile app).

Wanna know a really cool reason to get involved? 

  • CUZ our game gives more opportunities to interact with other players doing a wide variety of new activities. 
  • Plus, there are several types of unique in-game currencies used, including NFTs (!!). So far, we have $STRP cash, gold, and Happiness Hearts.**
  • You can also earn $STRP, STRP Gold, and game item NFT's in-game.**
  • Get this!!!   RDO Property Ownership - will be our next big release.  Click to READ MORE.

** = NOTE:   These systems & the game are still in development. but will be available soon.   WE CAN SURE USE YOUR INPUT AND HELP ❣❣  Plus, We NEED PC players to test it and give feedback. (See Help Wanted List below.)

⇒ Learn more about BECOMING A MEMBER here. 

VISIT our Reddit Group and discuss ideas. 




Here is our Help Wanted list. Please note, at this time all positions are volunteer or commission-based.

  • Test Players
  • Discord Server Manager and Moderators
  • Designers - game and graphics 
  • Survey Takers
  • Board of Directors
  • Content Workers - to implement and create features of the game per the Designers
  • Security Guards
  • Script writers - can use any scenes from movies or books, or invent your own!
  • Ranker-Uppers (commission-based - earn NFTs, and maybe more)
  • We love to hear your ideas.  What would you like to see added to RDO?  Or what kind of role play activities?  
  • Security Guards for Events
  • Trail Ride Leaders 




ALL can participate.



Currently we are offering STRP events such as....

  • Trail rides
  • Parties
  • Ho-downs
  • Sport horse and barrel racing competitions



  • RDO Property Ownership - This beautiful feature will be released very soon.  Many are interested in owning a property in RDO.  Well, though RockStar is not offering it, there is a way to do it - by owning an NFT Deed to RDO property!  Check it out here.
  • Virtual Game Items / NFT Trading Cards -
    • Note: This feature is active now, but is in development.  You can buy NFT trading cards in both the Gift Shop, and at the RDO NFT Showcase
    • Do you have an idea for one of these items?  Let us know!  Members can create their own new gifts inside the Club Gift Shop.  
    • These are items from the Red Dead Redemption era, which can be bought, sold, or given to others. Either while playing RDO, or anytime, really.  Some are also NFTs, which adds value and incentive.  They can be collected as trading cards, or be an NFT investment. 
    • Examples - Jewelry, flowers, tools, decorations, clothing, furniture, covered wagons, horses.  Just about anything.  Even property ownership
    • Having more fun with RDO - This feature is one way to have more fun with Red Dead Online. 
    • Check out our NFT section to learn more.  
  • Horses. A big feature of our game will be unlimited additional horses!  More horse breeds and colors... can be used for horse breeding, selling and training. And also for an unlimited number of virtual activities.  
  • We are developing scripted "plays" which start with a script and then the players take it from there.   Such as a government research assigned to research alligators in LeMoyne. They need to hire helpers and local guides. The possibilities are endless. Scripts can be originals, or adapted from existing movies, books, theater scripts... they can be long, lasting days and days,  or short, like 1 hour.  They can be funny or serious, they can re-enact real-life events.  How about assassinating an evil dictator????
  • Different Worlds with Different Rules (high honor, low honor, etc.)

The game itself will eventually be open 24/7, once there are enuf players to warrant it. But for now we will play at scheduled or impromptu times. 



  1. Learn more about BECOMING A MEMBER here. 
  2. Join Our Discord Server by clicking here.
  3. The ST Horse World CLUB is where you can start connecting with other RP players, give gifts to players, or just keep track of your game money and valuables.    Enter the Club now..






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