Star Theater Horse World

We are horse lovers who love to help people have fun !! 


Help Wanted


Here is our Help Wanted list. Please note, at this time all positions are volunteer or commission-based.

  • Test Players
  • Discord Server Manager and Moderators
  • Designers - game and graphics 
  • Survey Takers
  • Board of Directors
  • Content Workers - to implement and create features of the game per the Designers
  • Security Guards
  • Script writers - can use any scenes from movies or books, or invent your own!
  • Ranker-Uppers (commission-based - earn NFTs, and maybe more)
  • We love to hear your ideas.  What would you like to see added to RDO?  Or what kind of role play activities?  
  • Security Guards for Events
  • Trail Ride Leaders


Have any questions?  - please don't hesitate to ask - & we also love feedback & comments...

      Best way to get in touch is via the Help Desk (submit a ticket), or use our contact form if you are not a member.



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